Annonseringspolicyer för topphandelsevenemang med Amazons varumärke 2023
Amazon Advertising Ad Policies apply to all ads running during Prime Day.
VIKTIG ANMÄRKNING: Annonseringspolicyerna nedan måste tillämpas för alla annonser som körs under topphandelsevenemang med Amazons varumärke, via Amazon Ads (inklusive placeringar och utanför Amazon) för annonser med självbetjäning och hanterad tjänst.
Globala regler
Följande regler är obligatoriska för alla annonser och placeringar som körs under evenemangsperioden.
- Amazon’s Ad Policies apply to all advertisements.
Påståenden om erbjudanden och besparingar
- Användning av Amazons evenemangsvarumärke i annonser (hanterad och självbetjäning)
- Visa annonser utanför Amazon – hanterad tjänst: Evenemangsomnämnanden ÄR tillåtna utanför Amazon, förutsatt att annonsören har ett officiell erbjudanden som länkar tillbaka till Amazon. Om annonsören inte har ett officiellt evenemangserbjudande får annonsören inte nämna evenemanget i annonsen.
- Visa annonser utanför Amazon – självbetjäning: Evenemangsomnämnande är INTE tillåtna utanför följande länder: UAE, KSA, NL, BR, SE, JP.
- Visa annonser på Amazon – hanterad tjänst och självbetjäning: Evenemangsomnämnanden är INTE tillåtna.
- Prime Day Mentions are not permitted in:
- DSP offsite - Self Service: Prime Day Mentions are NOT permitted (exception exists for IX locales, see below)
- DSP onsite - Prime Day mentions are NOT permitted.
- Brand Stores: Prime Day mentions are NOT permitted.
- Video - Self Service: Prime Day mentions are NOT permitted in the creative. The official Prime Day template is permitted.
- Prime Day Dates - TBC - confidential and under embargo
- Deal Savings and Claims
- Deal teasing messaging: No teasing messaging is allowed as it is a poor customer experience. For example, "Something special is coming", "The countdown is on!", “Come back soon for great deals!”.
- Deal savings and claims running during lead up period will require a live deal.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If an ad is running through Self-Service, Prime Day Mentions are NOT permitted. Only Managed Service allows offsite Prime Day Mentions because the deal link is verified internally before launch (exception exists in IX Self Service locales, for advertisers who have purchased an HTE (High Traffic Event) SOV package).
High Traffic Events Sponsorship
If you are not looking for ad policies related to Managed Service SOV Display Ads on Home Page or Event Page on retail sites (such as sold through the HTE Sponsorships team, you can stop reading.
Deals and Savings Claims
- Non-US:
- On Lead Up, deals exclusive for Prime members are not mandated but recommended.
- On Day Of, ads and stores must feature a deals exclusive for Prime members.
- US Only:
- During Day of, all ads must focus on deals or offers. During Lead up, ads with HTE references must also focus on deals or offers, or exclusive products. During Prime HTEs, these deals or offers or products must be Prime exclusive.
- If purchasing both Lead Up and Day Of packages, Day Of event deals/offers must be better than Lead Up deals/offers. Exception applies for JP only, where lead up and early deals can be at the same level as Day Of deals.
- Percentages and dollar (“numerical”) savings claims change dynamically, and are therefore only permitted in REC (dynamic) ads, or the dynamic portion of a static ad.
- Generic savings claims (non-numerical, such as “great deals”) are permitted in static ads that drive to a multi-ASIN landing page or Brand Store only. Exceptions apply for non-endemic advertisers only, where numerical messaging is permitted.
- Coupons: Percentages and dollars are permitted. Deals will align with creative type.
- Brand Store Creatives: Only percentage savings are allowed for all deals. Dollar savings are not permitted.
Multi-Brand Advertisers Using Brand Store Creative: Prime Day
Brand Store Creative requirements for Multi-Brand Advertisers: For advertisers who would like to include multiple brands in their advertising creative, the following is required:
- Logo: The logo can be the parent brand or any logo of the ASINs featured in the creative. For example:
- Parent Company A (Sunshine Farms) can be the parent logo featured and Sub-brand B (Daisy Fields Unsalted Butter) and Sub-brand C (Henrietta Hen Organic Eggs) can be featured ASINs.
- Or, Daisy Fields can be the logo and the featured ASINs can be Daisy Fields Unsalted Butter and Henrietta Hen Organic Eggs.
- Featured ASINs: You can feature one or two ASINs. If two are featured and one sells out, the creative can remain. But if both sell out, the creative must be pulled down. To keep multi-ASIN creative accurate at least two ASINs from each brand (Daisy Fields and Henrietta Hen) that is featured in the ad creative, must be present on the landing page.
- For example, if Daisy Fields Butter is featured in the creative then both Unsalted and Salted Butter should be on the landing page.
- Copy: The copy must be generic enough to apply if one product goes out of stock.
- For example, “Save on organic farm foods.”
- Landing page: The unit must link to the Brand Store page where all ASINs featured in the creative must be present, plus additional ASINs from the respective brands to keep the ad relevant if one brand featured in the creative sells out. Meaning, if Daisy Fields Organic Unsalted Butter is a featured ASIN, then Salted Butter should also be in the Store in case original sells out.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The brands featured need to be from the same or adjacent category so the creative headline can tie the images together. For example, “Save on farm fresh foods”.
Keep in mind that the logo featured in the creative may also be the sold out ASIN, so language should be general per the example.
Content Restrictions - HTE SOV Only
- Alcohol ads: Not allowed for PD (except for JP).
- Endemic ads in the US must follow the participation tenets to be eligible for HTE packages.
US Tenets
- Deal or offer focused. During Day of, all ads must focus on deals or offers. During Lead up, ads with HTE references must also focus on deals or offers, or exclusive products. During Prime HTEs, these deals or offers or products must be Prime exclusive.
- Integrated look and feel. For HTEs, any ad that references the HTE whether Lead up or Day of, must also comply with HTE style guide. All ads during Day of are expected to be related to the HTE and thus must comply.
Non Endemic Requirements US and ROW
Supported Locales (Non US, see below for US specific)
- Non Endemic Advertisers participation for Prime Day 2024 (PD24) are accepted in EU5.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If an ad is running through Self-Service, Prime Day Mentions are NOT permitted. Only Managed Service allows offsite Prime Day Mentions because the deal link is verified internally before launch (exception exists in IX Self Service locales, for advertisers who have purchased an HTE SOV package).
The following guidelines set out acceptable activity for non-endemic advertisers running deals throughout Lead Up and Day Of.
Non-US Guidelines
- On Day Of and Lead Up, ads must link to a custom built store landing page or non-endemic store.
- On Day Of, ads and stores must feature a deals exclusive for Prime members.
US Specific Guidelines
- Ads must link to a custom built store landing page or non-endemic store.
- Non-endemic Brands need to adhere to Deals and Style guide requirements.
Style Guide
- All locales
- Non-endemic advertisers must follow event guidelines.
- US Specific
- Lead Up : All ads will follow the prescribed look and feel for PD24, including: color palette, branding elements, and typography. There will be no ads on fully white back-ground.
- BAU: no prescribed style guide for ads on Homepage/Event page as long as Prime Day is not mentioned.
- Prime Day mentions are only permitted for advertisers who have purchased official HTE SOV packages.
- NE advertisers will have to follow event guidelines - e.g. color, logo positioning
- Support to design these assets will be defined at go to market (GTM) decks.
Deals Requirements
- All locales
- On Lead Up, deals exclusive for Prime members are not mandate but recommended.
- Numerical pricing and savings claims are permitted in static ads/non-endemic creatives that link-in and link-out.
- On Day of, ads and stores must feature a deals exclusive for Prime members.
Clickthrough destination
Approved partners can run ads that link in to a custom built store landing page that provides information about the offer. From there, the customer can link-out to the advertiser’s own e-commerce platform.
Prime Day Mentions - Non-Endemic Ads
- Prime Day Mentions are permitted in:
- DSP offsite - Managed Service: Prime Day mentions are permitted in DSP offsite, provided the advertiser has an official Prime Day deal linking back to Amazon. Without an official Prime Day deal, the advertiser cannot mention Prime Day in the creative.
- Brand Stores: Prime Day mentions are permitted.
- Video - Managed Service: for example, IMDB, Twitch, STV etc - Prime Day mentions are permitted.
- Prime Day Mentions are not permitted in:
- DSP offsite - Self Service: Prime Day Mentions are NOT permitted (except for IX locales)
- DSP onsite - Prime Day mentions are NOT permitted (except for US NE Travel advertisers part of the Pre-approved NE Advertisers list.
- Video - Self Service: Prime Day mentions are NOT permitted in the creative. The official Prime Day template is permitted.
- The 2024 Style Guide will apply to all ads that are purchased with a PD24 package.
- Advertiser Brand Logo Usage: Logos are preferred on all creatives
- Logos can be full-color (if they meet contrast ratio) or black (any color from approved palette).
- A maximum of two identical logos can appear in one ad. For example, this could include a logo in the ad, and a logo in the packshot.
- Logo can be shown on the ASIN image (pack shot) versus standing alone.
- The advertiser’s brand name or logo must be clearly legible in the ad to ensure customers can easily identify the advertiser (in entertainment ads, the title of the movie, TV show, etc. can be treated as the brand name).
- The text within a brand logo is not subject to the minimum font size requirements described in the Ad Specs provided the advertiser is recognizable.
- Desktop Billboard, H1, Wakescreen, and KSO: all text and images within the brand logo must be legible.
- Mobile ads: On 320x50, 414x125 and 728x90 mobile ads (ex., where ad units are limited in space), copy within a logo does not have to be legible provided the logo itself meets minimum font size requirements.
- Single ASIN:
- One ASIN and Bundle ASIN are allowed for all creative versions (simplified version of the ASIN will be used).
- For 320x50 static, only main product will be showcased
- Multi ASIN:
- A maximum of two ASINs are permitted across all creative versions (simplified version of the ASIN will be used). ASINs should be of the same product category.
- Copy must be plural (referring to a selection or category of products in the brand store), and must drive to a Multi ASIN landing page.
- Product shot ASINs:
- Bundle ASIN are allowed for all creative versions (simplified version of the ASIN will be used if legibility on smaller sizes, taking into consideration the BSC specs).
- All graphics should be sourced from XCM library. Illustrations will not be used as a primary visual language. No harsh, crisp shadows or reflections on product shots.
- Background colors must adhere to the approved Prime Day 2024 color palette, no exceptions.
- ASINs should not be repeated on Primary and back up creatives.
- Lifestyle images:
- Products on lifestyle images can be displayed without being used by a person or without a person in the background as long as they are in a natural setting.
- Products displayed against unrealistic backgrounds or photo montages, should follow ASIN product shot styling with Prime Day background colors instead.
- Be clear from the image what the product or category is that is being advertised.
- There are circumstances where the actual product does not need to be in the actual creative but customers should understand based on the image and copy supporting the image of what is being advertised.
- Must offer exact products available on the landing destination when the exact item is clear in the shot.
- Products on lifestyle images must match the ASIN on the PDP or destination, and should only show the ASINs that are being sold and that are part of the deal. If multiple ASINs, all products must be available on the destination page.
- Cartoons or animated characters are permitted as lifestyle images as long as they comply with legibility across placements and units. ASINs should not be repeated on Primary and back up creatives.