Sponsored Brands

Sponsored Brands is an advertising solution built to help customers discover your brand within the Amazon store. Grab your audience’s attention with prominently placed, rich display and video creatives that put your brand front and center.

sponsored brands ui example

How do Sponsored Brands work?

Sponsored Brands promotes discovery and consideration of brands by using static and video brand creatives in the shopper journey, helping drive traffic to your Brand Store or product detail page. By using highly engaging and prominently placed ads on Amazon, Sponsored Brands helps you grow your brand and engage shoppers across the purchasing journey.

Why is Sponsored Brands important?

Sponsored Brands can offer shoppers a positive, holistic online shopping experience by working with complementary brand solutions like Brand Follow, Brand Stores, and Posts. When used together, they help brands educate, convert, and build long-term relationships with shoppers by showcasing products through engaging creatives and serving fresh content in a brand’s Store where they can opt-in to receive updates.

Woman exercising with a superimposed image of a sponsored brands ad for running shoes

Where do Sponsored Brands ads appear?

Your display and video ads may be displayed above, alongside, or within shopping results. Ads may appear on both desktop and mobile devices.

How do I create a Sponsored Brands campaign?


Sign in to your account, click “Create campaign,” and choose Sponsored Brands. Give your campaign a name and choose your settings.


Choose the campaign goal that aligns with your business objective.


Select your ad format. If you need assistance with building video creative, click “Use our video builder templates” to access video builder.


Under “Landing page,” select whether you want to drive shoppers directly to your Brand Store or to a product detail page.


Define your targeting strategy and select bids for your campaign, or use our recommendations.


Upload your creative, which can be a static image or video that features a product or brand.


Submit your ad. It will be reviewed within 72 hours.

Benefits of Sponsored Brands

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Premium placement

Show up at the top of the search results and on product pages, helping your brand capture the attention of shoppers

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Find your customers

Reach shoppers who matter most to your business through precise keyword and product targeting

build your brand icon

Build your brand

Establish and strengthen your brand presence on the Amazon store to help build recognition and trust among shoppers

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Create customized brand images with AI-powered image generation at no cost

Sponsored Brands ads with branded creative can achieve click-through rates and branded searches of +50% over ads with only product images

icon of data insights

Measure your brand-building efforts

See how and which shoppers are engaging with your ads

Use video in your Sponsored Brands campaign

Sponsored Brands video is a powerful storytelling tool for brands to initiate, cultivate, and maintain relationships with shoppers, helping brands of all sizes succeed on Amazon.

Use Sponsored Brands video’s rich autoplay video content to help drive brand recognition for new brands and enhance reach for existing brands.

Link your Sponsored Brands video to your Brand Store to help shoppers discover your offerings, and enjoy exclusive access to high-visibility placements.

No video? No problem.

Whether you have existing video assets or are starting from scratch, Amazon’s video creative production and editing services can help you produce inspiring videos for Sponsored Display. Get in touch.

Get support from a partner that specializes in Sponsored Brands campaigns

Amazon Ads partners are a global community of technology partners and agencies that offer a variety of services at different price points. Partners can help you launch, manage and optimize your ad campaigns, which can save you time and help you get the most from your advertising.

Sellers observed a 18% increase in gross merchandise sales 6 months after working with an Amazon Ads Partner

High-performing image and video Posts can be converted in Sponsored Brand ads directly from the Posts Manager within Amazon Ads console.

Vendors can now advertise their Audible titles in Sponsored Brands campaigns.

You can now link other Manager accounts (in additional to Sponsored Ads and ADSP advertiser accounts) to your Manager account.


How much does Sponsored Brands cost?

Sponsored Brands supports cost-per-click (CPC) and cost per 1,000 viewable impressions (vCPM) with no minimum campaign spend requirements. You can specify your daily bid and budget, and change your bid or pause your campaign whenever you want. The more competitive your bid, the more likely your ad is to be display when it matches a shopping query.

How can I measure results from my Sponsored Brands campaign?

We provide a range of tools and reports that help you analyze campaign performance and measure success. You can find, download, and analyze a suite of metrics that help you measure your efforts, such as:

  • How shoppers are engaging with your ads across dimensions that matter to your goals, like impressions, click-through rates, sales, and more
  • How different traffic sources, like your Sponsored Brands campaigns, are driving visitors to your Amazon Store
  • How much you’re reaching customers who are new to your brand
  • And how your marketing strategies are performing across all stages of the funnel – awareness, consideration, purchase, and loyalty – plus how you’re doing relative to other brands like yours
Who can use Sponsored Brands?

Sponsored Brands are available for vendors, book vendors, Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) authors, agencies, and professional sellers enrolled in Amazon Brand Registry. Products and features may not be available in all marketplaces.

What categories are not eligible for Sponsored Brands?

At this time, adult products, used products, refurbished products, and products in closed categories are not eligible for advertising. Review the creative acceptance policies for Sponsored Brands and Sponsored Products for a full list of permitted and prohibited categories.

What are new-to-brand metrics, and why should I use them?

With new-to-brand metrics, you can measure orders and sales of your products generated from first-time customers of your brand on the Amazon store. These metrics allow you to track the number of first-time orders for products within your brand, the percentage of total orders that are new-to-brand orders, the total sales of new-to-brand orders, and the percentage of total sales that are new-to-brand sales, all within a 12-month look-back window.

We recommend using new-to-brand metrics to supplement metrics like advertising cost of sales (ACOS) or return on ad spend (ROAS). For example, Sponsored Brands ads help drive brand discovery with shoppers in the discovery stage and help brands reach new customers. Driving first-time purchases can often cost more than driving repeat purchases, so ACOS or ROAS alone would not measure the impact of Sponsored Brands in growing your brand audience.

What are the different goals I can achieve with Sponsored Brands?

When setting up your Sponsored Brands campaign, you can select your goal to drive page visits or to grow brand impression share. This allows Amazon Ads to provide you with the optimal targeting, bidding, and ad format configuration to help you deliver on your goal.

What are the video specification requirements for Sponsored Brands video?
Can I feature multiple products in a Sponsored Brands video linking to Brand Stores?

Yes. Linking Sponsored Brands video to Brand Stores enables you to promote eye-catching video with the flexibility of showcasing up to three products within the ads to shoppers. The ads could appear above, in the middle, or at the bottom of Amazon search results. You can potentially increase brand and product discoverability, engage shoppers with your product collection, or drive traffic to your Brand Store to explore the full range of product offerings in a dedicated brand environment.