
Brand Image

Brand image is the view that current and prospective customers hold about a specific company. It reflects how audiences perceive the company, and requires time and hard work to maintain.

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If you have limited experience, contact us to request services managed by Amazon Ads. Budget minimums apply.

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Amazon Ads offers a range of creative services and tools that can help you develop creative strategies and launch successful ad campaigns.

What is brand image?

Brand image is the overall impression that customers have about your business. It encompasses everything from your reputation to the perceived reliability of your products or services to the general vibe that your brand gives off to the public. It is one of the most important attributes that your business should monitor and manage on a regular basis in order to maintain a positive relationship with your audience.

Why is brand image important?

Creating a brand image that your customers can trust is important because it represents what your customers envision and experience emotionally when they think of your business.

Take a moment to think about a few of your favorite brands, products, people, sports teams, movies, shows, or music. Now, ask yourself: why do they rank so high in their respective categories for you? Have they built a strong relationship of trust with you over the years? Maybe they’ve come through for you during a time when you needed them. Or, even more simply, maybe they each did something special that satisfied you once, and that’s the feeling you get whenever you think of them now.

The type of positive association you’re experiencing is likely how you would prefer your customers also feel about your business — which is why cultivating a favorable brand image is an important priority.

How do you measure brand image?

The most accurate way to measure brand image is to ask the public directly for their views. In measuring brand image, the old adage “a customer is always right” rings true here. To gauge how your brand is perceived, you can perform surveys, ask for feedback regularly, and be receptive toward feedback (both positive and negative) when it is provided.

What is the difference between brand image and brand identity?

Brand image and brand identity are distinct qualities that capture the perceptions of different audiences. Brand image is how the public both sees your business as well as how they feel they have been treated by their patronage. Brand identity, on the other hand, is how your business perceives itself and wants to be perceived by others. Those differences are important because how you intend for the public to view you may not always be how they have experienced your brand in practice.

Benefits of creating a brand image

The benefits of creating a brand image are: it can increase brand awareness; it can help you create the foundation for a cohesive, scalable brand strategy; and it can help increase customer loyalty.

Brand awareness refers to how readily your brand is recognized by consumers. It goes beyond your logo or tagline to reflect customers’ level of familiarity with everything your brand means and stands for. Brand awareness encompasses the extent to which customers understand your products, your story, and the experience you deliver. It is important to focus on continually increasing and to improving brand awareness.

Create your brand foundation

From a brand’s products to its philosophy and visual identity, customers want to see their lifestyles and identity reflected in their products, services, and choices, and they typically gravitate toward brands that align closely with their needs, wants, and values.

As a business, your goals should help you create effective and lasting relationships. This can involve engaging new audiences, or even remarketing, where you offer existing audiences new ways to engage with your brand. Amazon Ads can help brands reconnect with high-priority audiences by harnessing unique shopping insights and creative ad formats.

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Request creative services through our contact form, and we will assist you with identifying the right creative solution and with next steps.

How to build a brand image

You can build a brand image by creating memorable brand moments, inspiring action, and driving meaningful audience reach.

Brand awareness is built over time, which means continuity is key.

You’ll want to build your brand by delivering a consistent message that creates the same type of positive experience across all your touchpoints. That means utilizing repetition in your fundamental messaging to create a memorable experience that stays with customers and helps to build awareness.

Inspire action that leads to true engagement with your customers. When a brand is able to “increase their traffic,” they’ve successfully encouraged customers to take action and visit product pages and other online brand resources. Driving more engagement, and effectively “increasing your traffic,” starts with using intriguing and interesting ads that offer easy-to-recognize calls to action for your brand.

Amazon has many unique ad formats and insights that can help maximize your customer engagement and product education by driving traffic to your Amazon Store or brand site.

Not all types of engagement are equal. Your true brand reach is the total number of potential customers that come into contact with your brand—whether through online or in-person advertising, social media, thought leadership engagement, brand awareness campaigns, and beyond.

Amazon Ads offers many types of shopping, streaming, and browsing signals and placements to help your brand connect with customers.

Examples of great brand images

Case Study

Explore how the manufacturing company based in India and Indonesia used display ads to enhance brand awareness and increase sales and market presence.

TVS motors

Case Study

Read about NIVEA’s collaboration with Amazon Ads to sponsor Prime Day in the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, which increased brand reach and new-to-brand sales.

NIVEA prime day

Case Study

Learn how Whirlpool quickly produced relevant campaign images for the holidays with the AI Image generation tool.


Case Study

Check out how this audio and video company in Spain applied a cross-product strategy using Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, Sponsored Display, and Brand Stores to reach new audiences and to sustain brand recognition across Europe.


Building a strong brand image with Amazon Ads

There are many ways to create a strong brand image, and each of them can benefit and boost your business while strengthening your relationship with your customers. The quickest way to reach potential customers, or to remind your existing customers about you, is through online advertising. From creating a storefront that embodies all the best qualities of your business to reaching out to a wider audience with Audio Ads, there are many effective ways to build a strong brand image that you and your customers can be proud of.

If you have limited experience, contact us to request services managed by Amazon Ads. Budget minimums apply.