Launch announcement

Drive shoppers to shop on Fire Tablets with responsive e-commerce ads now usable on Fire tablet

27 May 2024

What’s launched?

Fire tablet lockscreen has integrated with the responsive e-commerce creative, so buyers can now use responsive e-commerce to deliver to Fire tablet audiences without needing to use the Fire table custom creative template. To enable this new feature, buyers should make sure Fire tablet is selected in their display line item settings to drive Fire tablet users to shop their products directly on the Fire tablet devices.

Why is it important?

Fire Tablet users can shop directly on Fire tablet devices. This full-screen rendering of the buyer’s responsive e-commerce creative allows vendors and sellers to reach their audience where they like to shop.

Where is the feature available?

  • North America: United States
  • Europe: Germany, United Kingdom
  • Asia Pacific: Japan

Who can use it?

  • Vendors
  • Sellers
  • Managed service
  • Self-service

Where do I access it?