Technical guidelines
- All content must only come from the serving ad server’s domain and the content served may not call in content from any other domain.
- All domain/URL references must be named domains; no raw IP addresses are allowed.
- Landing page URLs cannot contain versions that use browse nodes (“node” shown in URL).
- All advertisements must generate a new window and the existing Amazon window must remain open. Advertisements that link in to landing pages are not required to generate a new window.
- The display URL must be the actual destination URL (i.e. the website that the advertisement’s link resolves to, not a redirect) of the advertisement so that it informs the user of the destination website of the advertisement.
- The destination URL of an advertisement must work properly and resolve to a working website. It cannot connect to an email address or file, and must not be under construction.
- All advertisements must not include pop-ups or pop-unders, nor may landing pages spawn pop-up or pop-under advertisements to a user.
- Advertisements must not interfere with navigation on, obscure other content or advertisements, access or alter user’s computer settings or preferences, or otherwise unduly or inappropriately interfere with the user’s experience of or Amazon’s operation of
- Advertisements must not trigger downloads of software to a user’s computer without first providing the user with clear and conspicuous disclosures regarding the installation, operation and removal of the software, and providing the user with an opportunity to decline to install the software after such disclosures are made.
- If an advertisement uses third-party tags and has Amazon’s prior written consent, please include specific trafficking instructions. A contact at the third-party is required and must be provided to Amazon prior to the campaign start date. For more about Amazon’s Third-Party Ad-Serving Guidelines, please see below.
- The destination URL included in ads must not be formatted using any tracking or other technology from the Amazon Associates Programme (i.e., ads must not be “Special Links” as defined in the Associates Programme Operating Agreement).
- All impression delivery and billing will be based on Amazon reporting numbers unless otherwise specified in the applicable insertion order.
- All advertisements must support “https”.
- All tags for Thank You Placement must be secure (https:).
- By advertising on and its affiliated sites, you consent to have security checks performed by Amazon on your ads.
- Advertisement destination URLs must utilise impression trackers from dedicated tracking domains, and may not include URLs such as, sub-pages or unauthorised third-party domains.
Third-Party HTML Desktop Advertising Guidelines
Technical Guidelines AAP and IAB Standard
The following technical guidelines apply to non-expanding desktop ads on, AAP, and various IAB standard placements across owned and operated domains.
Medium Rectangle*:
- 300 x 250 pixels
- 200kb max HTML ad tag from approved third party ad server
- 40 kb max. static (.jpg, .gif, .png)
- 728 x 90 pixels
- 200kb max HTML ad tag from approved third party ad server
- 40 kb max. static (.jpg, .gif, .png)
Wide skyscraper*:
- 160 x 600 pixels
- 200kb max HTML ad tag from approved third party ad server
- 40 kb max. static (.jpg, .gif, .png)
Large Rectangle (Aka: Half Page)*:
- 300 x 600 pixels
- 200kb max HTML ad tag from approved third party ad server
- 50 kb max. static (.jpg, .gif, .png)
- Can include animation with up to three loops for a maximum duration of 15 seconds, supporting up to 60 fps depending on device/browser capabilities. See HTML Ad Requirements for specific information.
HTML Ad Security
HTML ads must be served secure (https:) and must not include dynamic creative content, which changes based on predetermined variables (eg: Weather, IP, Date) unless otherwise approved by AMG rep.
Shared libraries (including use of webfonts) that are hosted on an approved, certified third-party domains, are exempt from the initial ad load. Ensure that you have the proper licence for webfont use in your ad creative. Amazon holds no responsibility to obtaining, granting or extending webfont licences. Open source webfonts are permitted.
HTML Ad Requirements
- All ads must meet Amazon’s existing creative acceptance policies
- All ads are to be provided as JavaScript or iFrame tags in .txt or .xls format.
- Accessing device API’s such as Local Storage, Geolocation, Microphone or Camera is prohibited.
- Console statements must be omitted to avoid verbose logging and errors in older browsers.
- Ad serving and tracking must be over https.
- Clicks are limited to three redirects.
- Ads must limit https requests to 10.
- Max CPU: ad not to exceed 30% CPU usage during host-initiated execution.
- Assets must be hosted on a Content Delivery Network (CDN).
- External CSS/JS libraries must be pulled from a server that supports zipping.
- All code must be minified and concatenated.
- Use of emerging CSS properties for style purposes only should include proper vendor prefixes for cross-browser support. Ads must not use emerging CSS layout properties such as Flexbox.
- Ads must provide a static backup when JavaScript is disabled via a “noscript” as well as dynamically load a static image if the ad fails to load.
- Ads must reference click tags via: var click tag = “”;
- In the event of multiple click destinations, ads must reference click tags as clickTag1, clickTag2…
- Animation can be inline-video, CSS, SVG/SMIL and/or JavaScript (WebGL, Canvas, DOM) driven.
- Progressive in-banner video for animation must not be larger than 2.5mbs.
- Ads with JavaScript animation must use the requestAnimationFrame API and should gracefully fail when not supported.
- Ads must support all modern browsers and have graceful failover for older browser versions. If an older browser is detected a static backup/default must be served.
Modern Browsers | Non-Modern Browsers |
Chrome 37+ | IE10 |
Firefox 37+ | IE9 |
Safari 7+ | IE8 |
IE11/Edge | IE7 |
Opera 28+ | IE6 |
Chrome36- | |
Firefox 36- | |
Safari 6- | |
Opera 27- |
HTML Ad Recommendations
The following are Amazon’s best practices for HTML desktop ads. Please follow these instructions unless you’ve received special permissions from your AMG account rep.
- Use of webfonts are allowed but they impact the total size of the ad. For cross browser webfont support, ads must supply proper file font types with graceful failovers.
- Dynamic sub-setting of webfont glyphs are highly encouraged.
- Amazon is not responsible for webfont licensing used in a third-party served ad unit.
- Use of the .WEBP image format is encouraged where supported.
- Use of image sprite sheets and/or base64-encoded images are encouraged where supported.
Video Asset Guidelines
For non-standard ad units that will utilise video, please provide video assets in the following formats:
- Raw video formats accepted: .MP4, .M4V, .MOV, .MPEG, .AVI or .DV uncompressed formats.
- No less than 250px in height (progressive scan, 29.97 FPS)
- Maximum length: Two minutes
- Audio: stereo, high quality (sampled at 44100Hz or higher)