General policies
Advertisement submission guidelines
Submit all Advertiser Content to your account team.
Email submission information must include:
- Advertiser name
- Campaign start and end date
- Creative files
- Alt text (if applicable)
- Linking URL
- Third-party tags (if applicable)
- Instructions on how ad element(s) should run/rotate
- Creative processing turnaround time for IAB standard ads is three working days, permitting all Advertising Content and related technical elements meet Amazon’s guidelines. Creative processing turnaround time for non-standard ad units varies by ad type; consult with your account team on the specific lead times for each type of placement.
If advertising content is late or does not comply with Amazon’s advertising policies, Amazon reserves the right to extend the campaign by the number of days the advertising content was late in order to reach the contracted impression goals. However, Amazon will work with the applicable advertiser or agency to deliver all impressions within the contracted flight dates pending placement and available inventory. If Amazon has not received creative assets within three days of campaign launch, Amazon will release inventory for all placements without assets. While we cannot guarantee the contracted impressions will still be available at a later time, we will work proactively to revise media plans accordingly.