Launch announcement

Use persona builder to create and get insights on your personas

7 March 2024

What’s launched?

You can now better understand your audiences and create your own custom brand personas with persona builder. Using Amazon insights, you can discover and validate audience shopping and streaming behaviours. Then, seamlessly save and activate those same audiences through your Amazon Ads campaigns.

Why is it important?

Persona builder enables you to use Amazon’s first-party insights to learn more about your audiences, such as their interests and relevant life events. You can create your own custom brand personas by combining existing audiences into a single persona. For example, if you are releasing a premium headphone with fitness branding, you can create a persona by combining the Amazon “interested in technology”, “in market for headphones” and “in market for fitness clothing” segments. You can reach your personas on Amazon and beyond by saving them to Amazon DSP.

Where is the feature available?

  • North America: United States, Canada, Mexico
  • South America: Brazil
  • Europe: Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Sweden, Turkey
  • Middle East: Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates
  • Asia Pacific: Australia, India, Japan

Who can use it?

  • Managed service
  • Self-service

Where do I access it?

API specific

Persona builder API takes an audience expression, representing a persona, as input. The API returns aggregated insights for that persona. An advertiser can call the API to save an audience expression to Amazon DSP as a “combined audience”.

The following are the key API endpoints:

  • POST /insights/BandedSize: Get the size range for the input audience;
  • POST /insights/demographics: Get aggregated demographic insights for the input audience;
  • POST /insights/TopOverlappingAudiences: Get top audiences overlapping with the input audience;
  • POST /insights/TopCategoriesPurchased: Get top retail categories purchased by the input audience;
  • POST /insights/PrimeVideo: Get insights on top content streamed on Prime Video by the input audience;
  • POST dsp/audiences/CombinedAudiences: Create a combined audience based on the input audience expression.