Launch announcement

Amazon DSP customers can use Extreme Reach creative tags to buy video inventory

22 March 2024

What’s launched?

Customers who store and manage their creatives on Extreme Reach now can use those creatives to buy video inventory through Amazon DSP. The workflow is as follows:

  1. Generate a VAST/VPAID creative tag from Extreme Reach
  2. Select “third-party – video” as creative type
  3. Select creative type

    Select creative type

  4. Append the Extreme Reach tag into the “VAST/VPAID tag URL” field, and complete other fields as needed
  5. Append creative

    Append creative tags in the template

  6. Save the creative and associate it with a video line item

Why is it important?

Extreme Reach is an approved ad server for Amazon DSP. Amazon DSP customers have been using Extreme Reach to buy display inventory. Now we are expanding the serving scope to video.

This launch improves both the experience of customers using third-party creatives and the interoperability between Amazon DSP and ad servers.

Where is the feature available?

  • North America: United States, Canada, Mexico
  • South America: Brazil
  • Europe: Germany, Spain, France, Italy, United Kingdom, Belgium, Switzerland, Poland, Türkiye, Austria, Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Ireland, Denmark, Luxembourg
  • Middle East: Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Israel, Egypt, Morocco, Bahrain, Kuwait
  • Asia Pacific: Australia, India, Japan, New Zealand, China, Singapore

Who can use it?

  • Managed service
  • Self-service

Where do I access it?

  • Amazon DSP