Creative delivery lead times

The chart below outlines the average creative lead time per ad product if creative is developed by Amazon. If creative is provided by the advertiser, only Trafficking and QA SLAs should be considered. The lead time definitions are explained below:

  • First Advertiser Preview Date is the number of business days it will take to receive the first creative asset developed by Amazon for review and approval. The range is based on complexity of the request.
  • Trafficking + QA outlines the number of business days it takes to go live once creative assets are approved and finalized. If advertiser is providing their own final files or 3P tags this is the total time it will take Amazon to traffic and QA prior to the creative going live.
  • Average Production time is the number of business days from receipt of approved advertiser assets to campaign go live date. The average production time assumes a maximum of one revision on initial creative preview, and one day for the advertiser to review and approve revisions requested. For every creative revision, 24 hours will be added to creative production timeline to address the changes needed.
Ad productTotal lead time**Creative revisionsAverage Production time
Standard Display Ads
Amazon DSPEight daysOne revision*7 to 8 days
Amazon DSP desktop display adsEight daysOne revision7 to 8 days
Amazon DSP mobile banner adsEight daysOne revision7 to 8 days
Mobile interstitial ads
Amazon mobile shoppingEight+ daysOne+ revision7 to 8 days
Mobile static link-in bannersEight+ daysOne revisionCall*
Link-out mobile campaigns
Custom mobile campaignsCall*Call*7 to 8 days
Amazon e-commerce adsEight daysOne revision2 days
Dynamic e-commerce ads (custom image)
Dynamic e-commerce ads (standard)Two daysOne revision (zero in US)8 days
Campaign landing pages
Templated landing pages10–15 daysOne revision7 to 8 days
Tailored landing pages20 daysOne revision2 days
Custom landing pagesCall*Call*7 to 8 days
Non-standard mediaEight daysOne+ revision7 to 8 days
Amazon video ads (custom layout)Eight daysOne revision7 to 8 days
Amazon video ads (standard)Two daysZero revisions7 to 8 days
Billboard below the fold
Daily deals site stripeEight daysOne revision7 to 8 days
Seller Central adsEight daysOne revision10 to 11 days
Kindle with Special Offers10 daysOne revision7 to 8 days
Fire Tablet with Special Offers
*Guaranteed campaigns require two additional days lead time.
10–45 daysOne+ revision7 to 8 days
Fire Tablet static wake screenSeven daysEach revision will add one day10 to 11 days
Fire Tablet animated wake screen (Standard)9 daysEach revision will add one day7 to 8 days
Fire Tablet Animated Wake Screen (Custom)9 daysEach revision will add one day45 days
Fire Tablet Amazon video ads
Fire Tablet templated Amazon video adsFour daysN/A7 to 8 days
Fire Tablet panelsSeven daysEach revision will add one day7 to 8 days
Fire Tablet interactive wake screen9 daysEach revision will add one day7 to 8 days
Fire Tablet video with overlay (standard)Seven daysEach revision will add one day45 days
Fire Tablet custom landing page – concept, design and implementation45 daysN/A7 to 8 days
Fire TV7–45 daysOne+ revision4 days
Fire TV Inline Ad – Run of service
Fire TV Inline Ad – TakeoverSeven daysEach revision will add one day8 to 10 days
Fire TV Feature Rotator – Run of Service
Fire TV Feature Rotator – TakeoverSeven daysEach revision will add one day15-17 days
Fire TV Sponsored Screensaver – Run of ServiceSeven daysEach revision will add one day11-13 days
Fire TV Sponsored Screensaver – TakeoverSeven daysEach revision will add one day1 day
Fire TV Clickthrough to Custom Landing Page45 daysFour revisions7 to 8 days
Fire TV Sponsored Tiles
Fire TV Out of the Box Experience (OOBE)Four daysN/A7 to 8 days
Standard MediaEight daysOne revision8 days
Alexa Display Ads10 daysOne revision15 days
Alexa Home Screen10 daysOne revision8 days
Audio ads3–17 days***Two revisions15 days
Audio ad script writing + spot production (US only)
Audio ad spot production11 days***Two revisions7 to 8 days
Audio ad spot reviewThree days***Two revisions5 days
Twitch ads8–15 daysOne+ revision5 days

*For lead times not specified, please call an account executive for further details and planning.

** Total lead time = # of business days from receipt of approved customer assets until campaign is set live/ready to launch. This lead time assumes a maximum of one revision and up to one day for advertiser review and feedback on initial mocks and up to one day for advertiser review and feedback on revisions.

NOTE: Additional time may be required for campaigns with multiple revisions, creatives, ad versions or platform types. Published times subject to change during peak times

If advertising content is late or does not comply with Amazon’s advertising policies, Amazon may extend the campaign by the number of days the advertising content was late, and/or revise the flight dates pending placement and available inventory. If Amazon has not received creative assets that meet Amazon’s advertising policies within three days of campaign launch, Amazon may release inventory for all affected placements.

***If an audio ad mentions Alexa in the creative, three extra days should be added to its SLA.

****For third-party (advertiser and/or agency) provided creatives, the total lead time is two working days from receipt of approved third-party tags.

Eight-day creative delivery workflow and requirements

For 7 day lead times, Amazon requires:

  • Complete and accurate assets for all ad types, including copy
  • Clear creative direction
  • The graph below reflects approval on 1st round of creative mocks. Each additional creative revision will add one additional business day.
  • Only Amazon work-time is included. Advertiser turn-around on review and feedback is not included in the 7 day lead time.
Eight-day creative delivery workflow

7 Day Creative Delivery Workflow

Fire devices creative delivery workflow and requirements

(Only applicable for Fire TV Feature Rotator, Fire TV Sponsored Tiles, Fire TV Inline Display Banner and Fire Tablet Lockscreen)

  • Complete and accurate assets for all ad types, including copy
  • Clear creative direction
  • The graph below reflects approval on 1st round of creative mocks. Each additional creative revision will add one additional business day.
  • Only Amazon work-time is included. Advertiser turn-around on review and feedback is not included in the 7 day lead time.
Fire TV creative delivery workflow

Fire Devices Creative Delivery Workflow

Fire tablet (animated/interactive executions) workflow and requirements:

For these lead times, Amazon requires:

  • Complete and accurate assets for all ad types, including copy
  • Clear creative direction
  • The graph below reflects approval on 1st round of creative mocks. Each additional creative revision will add one additional business day.
  • Only Amazon work-time is included. Advertiser turn-around on review and feedback is not included in the 7 day lead time.
Fire tablet creative delivery workflow

Fire Tablet (Animated/Interactive Executions) Creative Delivery Workflow

Ad launch time

  • and mobile: Ad starts no earlier than midnight (12 a.m.), Eastern Standard Time. Specific times can be discussed.
  • Kindle: Ad starts at midnight (12 a.m.), Pacific Standard Time. Specific times cannot be accommodated.

Required assets for Amazon Creative Services

  • Pre-existing ad units for reference, layered PSD files, logos, backgrounds, key art, fonts, advertising copy and brand guidelines
  • For IAB static ad creation, approved pre-existing ad reference units are required.

Some platforms have more specific requirements. Assets must be reviewed and approved prior to ad design and production getting underway. Schedules will be adapted for unique client circumstances such as legal approvals or multiple rounds of revisions. Please discuss specifics with your Amazon Ads contact.